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HRH Equestrian
Exclusive livery yard
A perfect royal lifestyle awaits you & your horse here @ HRH Equestrian.....

Livery Packages
Under 15,2hh - £680 pcm
Over 15.2hh - £720 pcm
Our part livery consists of all day-to-day duties and optimum care for your horse(s) with the added extra of constant love, fuss and attention. We pride ourselves in offering the premium care as a given and that your horse is a very happy horse and wants for nothing. We offer a basic feed to all horses, which can be tailored to your horses' nutritional requirements. Depending on the amount and which feed is needed there may be additional cost. If your horse requires specialised feed, we are more than happy to provide this and if necessary, you are just required to pay the difference. All supplements are to be supplied by yourselves. Hay is fed ad-lib meaning that no horse is ever in a stable without something to eat (unless veterinary nil by mouth). This is based on horses being out to grass with the regular yard routine. If you require your horse to come in much earlier on a regular basis and have hay, this will be charged as an extra. Late night checks are carried out every night, where the horses are checked, skipped out and hay is replenished.
FULL LIVERY - £820 pcm
Our full livery consists of all of the above with the addition of regular riding/exercise of your horse to a program that has been designed to suit. You are able to lead your busy lifestyle without any concerns about your horses' care and be able to come and enjoy your horse when the time permits.
If you have any specific requirements, we are more than willing to work with you and create a package that works for both you and your horse
TRAINING LIVERY - Price dependant on work required From starting horses to continued training, horses that have taken a slight curve ball in their learning and require a little assistance finding their hooves. Ones that have become a little stuffy and/or reluctant in their day to day training and need to find their mojo. We are happy to work with and help any horse with any difficulty and work with owners to enable you to continue their training once home, be it groundwork or ridden. If you are in need, please get in touch and we will work a plan that suits both your horse and you.
REHABILITATION LIVERY - Price dependant on work required We are able to offer a fantastic service alongside our training livery or as a specific need for rehabilitation. Having a phenomenal group of therapist experts that dependant on your horses needs will help them on their way to fixing either behavioural, lameness and/or body issues. These professionals are on board to help us understand them much more with and throughout their training or rehab.See professionals page for a list of these amazing people.
Livery: £170 per week
Training - ridden: £50 per 45 mins
Groundwork: £45 per 45 mins
Lunging: £40 per 45 mins
Long reining: £45 per hr
We will create an exercise plan that will work for each individual horse and their needs.

When a lifestyle isn't just a pipe dream..........
We are very passionate about all of the horses and this is apparent in the way they are cared for and bloom and relax in our care. We don't cut any corners with anything....
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